The Cahul region triumphs at the "Brîul Moldovei" Festival - Contest in the framework of the "Tourism & Travel Expo 2024" exhibition

    Tourism · February 18, 2024
    The Cahul region triumphs at the "Brîul Moldovei" Festival - Contest in the framework of the "Tourism & Travel Expo 2024" exhibition

    Between February 16-18, at the 27th edition of the international specialized tourism and travel exhibition "Tourism & Travel Expo 2024" held at Moldexpo, the Cahul region displayed its touristic and cultural wealth to the world.

    The Cahul region has impressed visitors with its diversity and authenticity, offering a varied palette of natural, cultural and historical attractions. His stand was an unmissable destination for those who are passionate about tourism and adventure. The guests had the opportunity to enjoy the authentic dishes and wines of the south, to discover the picturesque guesthouses in the area and to enrich themselves spiritually through the handicrafts of local folk craftsmen, but also to gain new experiences at the master-classes on making traditional belts, baskets , opinions and the production of couscous according to local recipes. Folk port, traditional dances and songs completed the festive atmosphere of the Cahul region stand.

    Each village in the region retains its own distinct cultural identity and traditions, and rural tourism provides an opportunity to explore this diversity and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural heritage of the region and other rural communities across the country.

    We invite all lovers of travel and adventure to discover the beauty and authenticity of the Cahul region, where the heart beats for tradition and hospitality!

    Source: visitcahul .md