Discover the Cahul region with Sergiu Beznițchi

    Tourism · December 13, 2022
    Discover the Cahul region with Sergiu Beznițchi

    The heart beats where there is life! Sergiu Beznițchi invites you on a journey of the soul, in the Cahul region.

    The opportunity I had this summer is unique in its way.
    We spent three days and three nights in several places in the Cahul region. Like in stories. With stories to tell, stories heard, stories to return to. One of my joys is that I was the messenger of these extraordinary moments to popularize the people and places there, within a cool program - EU4Moldova: Key Regions. People have dreams, build plans, are ready to grow their businesses and contribute to the flourishing of the communities in which they live. They just need a shoulder to support, some encouragement, some money here and there. It's no secret, when you really want something, you have to go for it, no matter how hard it is. And whenever you fall, be able to get up one more time. I have noticed this trait in most people I have met. - Sergiu Beznitchi told us on his social media page

    Sergiu Beznițchi invites you on a journey of the soul, in the Cahul region.
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