Young Cahuleni at the Festival of Young European Theaters in Grenoble, France

Between June 28 and July 7, the "Masca" Studio Theater from Cahul, for the first time in an interesting collaboration with AO "Junact", participated in the 36th edition of the Festival of Young European Theaters // Rencontres du Jeune Théâtre Européen in Grenoble, France.
The disciples of the "Masca" Theater Studio, together with 150 other participants from 11 countries (Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Tunisia, Ukraine), were involved in street performances, daily debates and 9 international workshops in acting, street theater, commedia dell'arte, dance, fire arts, video, circus arts, costumes, make-up and more.
On July 3, at the Prémol Theatre, the participants from Cahul - Mihail Bojenco, Nina Tampiza, Mihail Bojenco, Mihaela Busuleac, Anita Mandaji, Vlada Maftei, Daria Dandiș, Alexandru Mungiu, Nichita Mazilu, Amelia Timbalist, Cornel Ciobanu - presented the show "Soneria not working". Produced by the Junact Association and Masca Studio, the show was performed in French, it was a light comedy, for all tastes, with funny cases from life, where everyone can find themselves in the characters of the play. A kind of magazine genre show .
The disciples of the "Masca" studio - Anita Mandaji, Mihaela Bușuleac, Mihai Bojenco, Vlada Maftei, studied French in just three months, while the disciples of "Junact" already knew it well.
"It was easy to work with everyone. Mrs. Nina Tampiza, being a competent French teacher, worked tirelessly so that the little actors could learn the language, in a rather limited time" - testifies Alina Carp, the manager of the "Masca" Studio Theatre.
"For me it is not the first experience of this kind, I have participated in many International Theater Festivals in the French language and these activities seem to be part of my life. I had the greatest emotions for the children, who did not know French. In 3 months, you don't succeed too much in a play, if you don't understand what your colleagues are saying, you don't really know what to say if you forget the words. And what I was afraid of, that's why I didn't escape: so, my fears were confirmed by one or two people who don't know the French language. However, they managed with the help of the others who knew each other's lines. "One for all and all for one", that's how our children played.
This participation, first of all, marked the children, because each of them made a conclusion: -One said to himself that he must learn at least one foreign language of international circulation, either French or English.
-Another thing is that we don't know as much as the French or the Belgians, the Italians or the Germans. - The third that young people from other countries met them with attention and care. I personally concluded that Studioul Masca, led by Alina Carp, a skilled actress, could promote the Romanian language through theater plays within this festival. My message to all the parents of the city and region of Cahul is to encourage their children to learn as many foreign languages as possible if we really want a name under the sun. There are no important and less important languages. We are naturally given to speak several languages in this territory. By knowing them, you become rich intellectually and culturally, but some see wealth only in money." - Mrs. Nina Tampiza tells us
The festival, which brought together 150 young actors from 14 companies and 11 countries, offered a space to meet, express, exchange ideas, educate and get to know each other better, in a city and a Europe that are building their future together.
The Festival of Young European Theaters in Grenoble was a unique opportunity for our young actors to develop their artistic skills, interact with their international colleagues and contribute to the promotion of European culture and values.
I received a colossal experience in the field of theatrical art, which will certainly be useful to the children who participated in the training - workshops, debates, analysis after the presentation of each performance. I made friends with participants from other countries. It is definitely a professional level Festival that motivates you to grow and create beautiful things! - highlighted Alina Carp
Thanks to this successful participation, new international connections and collaborations were established, opening opportunities and receiving invitations to participate in future international events.
This participation would not have been possible without the financial and logistical support of the City Hall of Cahul within the Participatory Budgeting project, to whom special thanks are due for the support provided, both by the project initiative group, the participants and the parents.