Premiere - Organ recital in Cahul
Today, May 5, during the official opening of the "Nicolae Știuca" International Instrumental Interpretation Competition, IV Edition, it was played for the first time for the municipality of Cahul, on the stage of the Palace of Culture - organ recital, with Mrs. Ana Strezeva .
Moreover, the Cahul Municipal Philharmonic was enriched with a complex musical instrument - the "organ", thanks to the financial support of the German Embassy in Chisinau and the Goethe Institute Bucharest.
Honorary guests were present at the event: Margret Maria Uebber - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chisinau, Representatives of the KFW Public Bank, Representatives of the Romanian Cultural Institute, the Consul General of Romania in Cahul and Mr. Nicolae Dandiș - the mayor of Cahul.
Contest participants start their competition tomorrow in the registered categories, we wish them good luck! And on May 7, at 4:00 p.m., we invite you to the "Laureate Gala".