Cahul Land Museum

    Cahul Land Museum
    Cahul Land Museum
    Short description

    The museum headquarters is a building built in the middle of the 19th century. It is a building of historical value for the city of Cahul. Here, in 1858, the famous Romanian writer, historian, linguist, scholar BP Hasdeu worked as a judge.

    The museum's funds house a rich collection of weapons and firearms, archeology and numismatics, old books and documents. A distinct place is the ethnographic collection, which includes elements from the folk costume, carpets and towels. The nature section includes thematic collections of birds and animals specific to the three southern ecosystems, paleozoological remains, which reflect the geological history of the earth.

    The history section evokes the evolution of human society from the Paleolithic to the Romanian medieval pre-state formations. Of special interest is the Ethnographic Complex, opened in 1979, consisting of a peasant household from the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century. The exhibition of towels, carpets, walls, barks, furniture, technical-agricultural inventory offers the visitor the complexity of the material and spiritual experiences of this people.  
