Lake Manta

    Lake Manta
    Lake Manta
    Short description

    The Manta natural lake complex is the largest in the Republic of Moldova with an area of ​​2100 ha and is a paradise for water-loving animals, such as: the cormorant, the white stork, the egret, the coot, the heron, the coot, the coot, the stork, the woodcock , pelican, gull, swan, egret, nutria, tern, fox, wild cat, water snails, mussels, turtles, wild boar, deer, white water lily, yellow water lily, water mink and other species of plants and animals included in the Book Red of Moldova, which can be found here.

    From the Hill of Manta village, the ponds of the Manta lake in the Prut meadow can be seen as if in the palm of your hand: Bădelnicul, Dracile, Rătundul, Lișteavul, Bătcarile, Tinosul; gârlele – Balacea, Ciortul, Surda. Everywhere reed beds, beams, ostroves (islands) and popinzaci (floating islands).
